REPLASTIC: a manual to upcycle plastic bottles

thrive database

Role: Sustainable design & strategy

Technology: Graphic design, product design

Lesson Learned: Sometimes less ambitious but implementable projects that are full of heart are the way to go



RePlastic was a project we created after our visit to the Amazonas and when we realized how much plastic waste is polluting the waters and communities.


To solve this problem, we created a book of easy tutorials to re-use and upcycle plastic bottles to improve their daily life, categorized in four chapters: the home where you can turn a large clear bottle into a skylight through defraction, or toys to generate creativity and fun for the younger kids.


We published the book in two formats, in first a classic book binding and the other as individual cards attached by a bold red elastic that the teachers and the foundation could easily distribute to a larger number of children in workshops or classrooms with a single book. We chose tools that are easily accessible by Amazonian communities.


Our books are being used by the nonprofits of Omacha and Naturama in Puerto Narino, Colombia, an indigenous community in the middle of the jungle, for sustainability and craft workshops. Our ethos and movement behind RePlastic is rethinking that plastic isn't trash at all, it's your next creation.